Gideon Koch

GK10 Web Site InfoBase

My Articles


stripcslashes clear a string form and /
Call or read a file using AJAX and display the content in a div
AJAX call a function when responseText arrived
open a new window from javascript
how to set alt+key to activate a button
check if field input have content
disable a link from being active using a function
the first page meta section
read a file to an arrya
redirect refresh meta
array in javascript search find item
Create php Requests From HTML form
update a parent from javascript window
update iframe from another ifram
Manage robots.txt file in the root directory
Is Shift key pressed during the mouse click
getElementById textarea div
htmlspecialchars htmlspecialchars_decode
Link inside a page
chnage dynamicly the size of a cell in a table
frame frameset
TAB in textarea
Modify selected text in a textarea
Chnage cursor in html no file required
add input box and print them requirments dynamic
check if a window is still open
html / uri conversion SUMMARY
Check if the parameter is heacking
AJAX send parameter to a PHP page using JavaScript
Drawing a line using javascript
Communication from a PHP server to external FTP server
Table border-radius TAB selection
javascript onclick change dynamically
Show different top menu on scroll up and down
How to save to database special chars
Detect Hebrew characters in a given string and change the dir for PHP and JavaScript
AJAX JavaScript read CSV file into a table
How to set setTimeout
Get current directory on the server
wm code samp kbd var
coordinate inside an image
file chnage modify on server
Connect to MySQLi database
Show files in directory
meta data viewport
function parameters default optional value
Drag & Drop in a table
Calendar Hebrew week, month and a year
Responsive media
Files list in directory
Identify mouse click and long mouse press
hide comments make one line
Basic HTML5 page
Translate using Google api
multi files upload to server
save file as pdf using header
page redirect in php
NoSQL statements simple examples
progress meter bars
Even odd lines colored
tag class id css
CSS tag class id
CSS sub and inside class usage
CSS display vs visibility
CSS vw in responsive page
CSS three stages responsive page view
@keyframes animation
@keyframes animation ease animation timing
@keyframes animation Square to Circle
fade in out
Widen on hover
CSS :out-of-range Selector
CSS First letter special size
link external javascript file
Dropdown combo box switch
Gradients rotate button
Google charts report example
Get local file size when selecting to upload
Detect Mouse with Special keys
JSON get all keys and names in Array
An event to find if your DOM element is visible to the user
Synchronous AJAX with a callback function
Read JSON using JavaScript and PHP
Jump to location (id) inside a page
Different color cell in table according to cell content
Weight matching algorithm using JavaScript
Save and read JSON using LocalStorage in JavaScript
Load an image after page display and show it smoothly
Pass variables and data from PHP to JavaScript
Write JavaScript process using php
Create an Onclick event using php
Read JSON object from database using JavaScript
Reading MySQL table to perform JSON dynamic report in JavaScript
CSS flex three columns example
JavaScript show JSON content
JavaScript show All JSON content including array
Draw svg shapes
Nice JSON printout in JavaScript
Set content of iFrame src
Change content of iFrame src vs inline
Get the width on the inner screen width
An AJAX example with a call to a function when loaded
JavaScript get a single key (1-4) from an input
JavaScript Next month
A Script to blink text using pure JavaScript
Checking whether Page is Opened Active Visible or a frame
Two div on the same place
AJAX using post and form to transfer all characters to php page
Check if a key exist and show all keys and values
Get all selected values of a multiple Select
svg animation
Opacity nice show page
Associative Sort using JSON
Use getBoundingClientRect to change element on the same location
flex CSS attributes and usage
Fits the actual div content height after showing a smooth transition.
Responsive Table vs Flex vs Max-width
Responsive menu from left
Responsive menu from right
Detect enter in input using JavaScript
Associative array handling add check delete the faster way
The shortest submit an input using Enter ESC or onblur
A centered window mobile friendly using opacity
JSON to Input Table enabling updating and adding a field


Table border-radius TAB selection
Show different top menu on scroll up and down
Defines a balanced line in different colors with shadow
Responsive media
font css letter-spacing
Even odd lines colored
tag class id css
CSS tag class id
CSS sub and inside class usage
CSS display vs visibility
CSS vw in responsive page
CSS three stages responsive page view
transition duration
transition rotate
@keyframes animation
@keyframes animation ease animation timing
@keyframes animation Square to Circle
fade in out
Widen on hover
CSS :out-of-range Selector
CSS First letter special size
link external css file
link external php file
Gradients rotate button
An event to find if your DOM element is visible to the user
Load an image after page display and show it smoothly
CSS flex three columns example
Nice CSS hr gradient
Table cell spacing padding collapse
svg animation
css input with no border
flex CSS attributes and usage
Fits the actual div content height after showing a smooth transition.
Responsive Table vs Flex vs Max-width
Responsive menu from left
Responsive menu from right
A centered window mobile friendly using opacity


Check page called from the main frame
great site for javascript functions
close window using javascript
settime using javascript and other script with timer
Submit a form using JavaScript to check input fields
Call or read a file using AJAX and display the content in a div
AJAX call a function when responseText arrived
open a new window from javascript
how to set alt+key to activate a button
message asking if you are sure to do something
disable a link from being active using a function
JavaScript switch case
array in javascript sort filter
array in javascript search find item
Create php Requests From HTML form
update a parent from javascript window
How to reload in chrome
update iframe from another ifram
sorting multi array
Is Shift key pressed during the mouse click
getElementById textarea div
htmlspecialchars htmlspecialchars_decode
chnage dynamicly the size of a cell in a table
TAB in textarea
Modify selected text in a textarea
add input box and print them requirments dynamic
check if a window is still open
Encoding decoding URI in PHP and Javascript
html / uri conversion SUMMARY
AJAX send parameter to a PHP page using JavaScript
Drawing a line using javascript
Communication from a PHP server to external FTP server
javascript onclick change dynamically
Capture or disable the keyboard or trap a key
Show different top menu on scroll up and down
Detect Hebrew characters in a given string and change the dir for PHP and JavaScript
AJAX JavaScript read CSV file into a table
How to set setTimeout
src external JavaScript file
function parameters default optional value
Jump to location in the current page
Responsive media
Load JavaScript dynamically
hide comments make one line
Javascript get computer datetime
Javascript save textarea to local text file
convert month or day to two digit display
link external javascript file
link external css file
link external php file
Dropdown combo box switch
Google charts report example
Get local file size when selecting to upload
Get current date from your computer using JavaScript
Detect Mouse with Special keys
JSON get all keys and names in Array
An event to find if your DOM element is visible to the user
localStorage load save remove
JavaScript detect left and right SHIFT CTRL ALT key
Detect if Caps Scroll Num Lock is On
Synchronous AJAX with a callback function
Read JSON using JavaScript and PHP
Jump to location (id) inside a page
Different color cell in table according to cell content
alert prompt confirm
Weight matching algorithm using JavaScript
Save and read JSON using LocalStorage in JavaScript
Load an image after page display and show it smoothly
Pass variables and data from PHP to JavaScript
Write JavaScript process using php
Read JSON object from database using JavaScript
Reading MySQL table to perform JSON dynamic report in JavaScript
JavaScript show JSON content
JavaScript show All JSON content including array
Nice JSON printout in JavaScript
Find if a string is number JavaScript
JavaScript shortcut $ function
Change content of iFrame src vs inline
Get the width on the inner screen width
JavaScript get a single key (1-4) from an input
JavaScript Next month
A Script to blink text using pure JavaScript
AJAX using post and form to transfer all characters to php page
Check if a key exist and show all keys and values
Get all selected values of a multiple Select
Associative Sort using JSON
Use getBoundingClientRect to change element on the same location
Read JSON file using PHP and convert it to JavaScript JSON
Responsive menu from left
Responsive menu from right
Sort an associative array by its values in Javascript
Detect enter in input using JavaScript
The shortest submit an input using Enter ESC or onblur
A centered window mobile friendly using opacity
JSON to Input Table enabling updating and adding a field


Creating graphics
stripcslashes clear a string form and /
session start and how to work with it
AJAX call a function when responseText arrived
open a new window from javascript
check if field input have content
message asking if you are sure to do something
disable a link from being active using a function
the first page meta section
calculate date different
Find the diferent between dates
str_replace string strings
read a file to an arrya
Creat a zip file using php in the host computer
stripcslashes clear a string form and /
short way to write an if sentanse
php function global Variable scope
php function Passing by Reference
PHP switch case
Create php Requests From HTML form
update a parent from javascript window
dates between today
redirection in php
update iframe from another ifram
List sort files in directory
list of files with wildcard and delete the file
save array to file
php resize picture
htmlspecialchars htmlspecialchars_decode
The top of each page load common inc
TAB in textarea
set header to a file from external header file
prepare bind_param execute error handling
array sort functions
image create
Encoding decoding URI in PHP and Javascript
html / uri conversion SUMMARY
Check if the parameter is heacking
AJAX send parameter to a PHP page using JavaScript
Communication from a PHP server to external FTP server
Check if the page is HTTPS SSL.
Detect Hebrew characters in a given string and change the dir for PHP and JavaScript
Go to last page PHP previous -1
Get current directory on the server
file chnage modify on server
Connect to MySQLi database
Show files in directory
include connect to db
Responsive media
Files list in directory
JSON function return
multi files upload to server
save file as pdf using header
page redirect in php
from url location to disk real directory path
download to server or client
remove all files in a directory recursively
hebrew character set for mysql
DNS get record
Mail cc and bcc
link external php file
MySQL get last autoincrement ID
Get the SSL certificate details using php
How to handle JSON objects array in PHP
Read JSON using JavaScript and PHP
decoding json_decode to array or object
Pass variables and data from PHP to JavaScript
Write JavaScript process using php
Create an Onclick event using php
Read JSON object from database using JavaScript
Reading MySQL table to perform JSON dynamic report in JavaScript
PHP show JSON content
php show url parameters
An AJAX example with a call to a function when loaded
Get Jerusalem time in PHP
AJAX using post and form to transfer all characters to php page
Get all selected values of a multiple Select
Read JSON file using PHP and convert it to JavaScript JSON
JSON to Input Table enabling updating and adding a field


reload a frame
basic sql statements
table sql statments
Multi table Select using AS table
How to copy and create a new table form existing one
update table from tabel
First letter style for every p tag
SysAdmin Admin query structure
Multi tables select query
MySql basic query structure
ip location country code to name
WAMP not working on windows 10
getRequestString vs parse_str
drop down list
smooth scroll
slide in left 0.5s ease-in 0s
py python threading
py python threading concurrent
py python multiprocessing concurrent
INSERT INTO Table from select
How to clear pspecific cookie or localstorage from chrome
Collect all textarea data from the document
Bing reply: Index status - Failed to load insights

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All rights reserved Gideon Koch 1998-2024