echo strrpos("Hello world!","wo"); // 6
echo str_replace("world","Peter","Hello world!"); // Hello Peter!
echo strcmp("Hello world!","Hello world!"); // 0
0 - if the two strings are equal
<0 - if string1 is less than string2
>0 - if string1 is greater than string2
stripos("Hello world!","WO"); // 6
stristr("Hello worldabc…","WORLD"); // worldabc…
strlen("Hello world!"); // 12
string Required. Specifies the string to return a part of
start Required. Specifies where to start in the string
+ A positive number - Start at a specified position in the string
+ A negative number - Start at a specified position from the end of the string
+ 0 - Start at the first character in string length
Optional. Specifies the length of the returned string.
Default is to the end of the string.
+ A positive number - The length to be returned from the start parameter
+ Negative number - The length to be returned from the end of the string
echo substr("Hello world!",6); // world!
echo substr("Hello world!",6,5); // world